Acupuncture for Women’s and Maternal Health: My Approach

My Approach with Acupuncture

I work hard to facilitate a space and an experience where you feel supported and held during Acupuncture.

  • I seek to understand your needs and make accomodations for your comfort

  • I won’t judge anything you feel. If you don’t want needles in your wrist, or you don’t love pins in your belly. It’s all welcome. We will always work within the framework of what’s comfortable for you

  • I’ll make sure you’re physically comfortable

  • I’ll cover you with blankets and we might use a heat lamp to ensure you feel cosy and warm

  • I’ll tee up some music or a meditation - something lovely and contextual to listen to while you’re lying down

  • If you’re feeling anxious about the experience, I can stay in the room with you

  • I can also leave the room and come check on you halfway

Most importantly, there is an open and ongoing dialogue about how we can work best to facilitate the most nourishing, supportive experience.

I use relatively few Acupuncture pins too

If you’ve had Acupuncture previously, you’ll probably notice this.

Clinical experience has shown me that less is more with pins.

Because I have experienced profound fatigue and burnout myself, and I have worked with so many women encountering the same, I’ve tailored my Acupuncture to respond to what I know to be true: that asking the body to respond to too much at once can be exhausting and overwhelming.

I mostly use 4-6 needles per treatment - focusing on key pairs and the deepest root cause of what we’re working on.

So we’ll keep it simple. And laser focus on what’s important.

Acupuncture is such a beautiful and gentle tool for supporting the body. I have loved getting to understand it’s scope in the 20 years since I first inserted a pin.

As always, all questions are welcome.


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