My Approach

I offer care and support tailored to your particular story. You’ll feel nurtured, resourced and educated. Clear around priorities and able to plan. You’ll fell seen and heard in challenging life experiences and held along every step of the way.

I Provide 6 Layers of Support:

  • Receiving compassionate, active and non-judgemental listening

    Space to be honest about what you’re feeling and allow your story to be voiced

    To be seen, heard and believed in your experience, and feel less isolated and alone

    Witnessing the significance of what you’re traversing

    Acknowledging when you are walking tough terrain

    Space to ask questions

    Willingness to have hard conversations

    Discussions around why we may feel shame when experiencing difficulty conceiving, in pregnancy and in motherhood. With this new perspective, introducing tools and mindset shifts to let shame slide away

    Naming things you may feel - including things like frustration, shame and guilt, confusion and overwhelm, fear and vulnerability, grief and loss, isolation, exhaustion and emptiness

    Making visible the societal expectations of women during conception, pregnancy, motherhood, as a first step of letting those expectations go

    Compassion, reverence and gentle reframing of all you’re carrying. Allowing you can be lighter with your expectations of self

    Honouring and reflecting back to you all the amazing things you and your body are doing

    Being listened to is not a ‘nice to have’. It’s fundamentally important that you feel heard.


    In postpartum, there is a beautiful process termed 'birth story listening' which provides safe, compassionate space for you to unfold your story without interruption or judgement. This helps to process of the events of birth and allows you to witness the work you've done. This same process can apply to any significant unfolding - fertility treatment, loss, motherhood

    I am not a psychologist, or mental health counsellor. I will refer you to incredible professionals as needed.

  • Conversations and resources about:

    Providing you with greater context for the moment you’re standing in. Education around navigating preconception, conception, fertility, pregnancy, birth preparation and onwards

    Your broader health picture. All our systems have the ability to support and influence each other

    Lifestyle and dietary modifications to support

    Caring for yourself when things are hard

    Prioritising sleep through every stage: how and why

    Understanding the role of stress - using tools like meditation and music to calm your nervous system

    Supporting anxiety and overwhelm - mindset shifts, acupressure techniques and tools to smooth emotions

    Fostering inner compassion when your inner voice gets nasty

    Prevention, early recognition of and tools for burnout and depletion

    Unpacking unhelpful (internalised, patriarchal) narratives around what it looks like to do conception / pregnancy / birth / mothering ‘the right way’

    Examination of the inputs you're receiving from the outside world (eg. social media portrayal of pregnancy and mothering)

    Building awareness of detrimental cultural norms and untangling what is ‘ours’ from what was created for us to accept as our own

    Claiming our identity through active meaning making (your story as a source of claiming who you are)

  • Effectively planning for the days, weeks and months ahead.

    Together we can focus on:

    Assessing mental loads you’re carrying

    Deciding on the wisest use of your capacity, energy and time

    Prioritisation and de-prioritisation: what's really needed

    Prioritising, seeking and scaffolding adequate care and support now

    Offloading tasks: what to outsource to others, what to let go of entirely

    Resetting expectations: humanising your capacity from a place of compassion and grace

    If in depletion / burnout / overwhelm: forming solid, practical first steps for you to focus on. We'll hold off on too much information and more complex resources until you have more capacity

    Exploring and naming your values: pinpointing what's important to you. This perspective and clarity shows where to let go, and where to hold strong. Solidifying what's important to you and ensures decisions are internally lead

    Redesigning the structure of your days / experiences to aligning your actions with your values (rather than them being pulled and lead by societal norms.)

    Long-term planning: positioning you in the strongest place to navigate the path forward

  • As a qualified Chinese Medicine Practitioner, if we are In Home or In Clinic I can support you with Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine.

    I provide individualised care aimed at supporting the whole picture. I practice a style of care that adapts and responds to your needs

    We’ll address primary symptoms and concerns and work to optimise sleep, digestion, energy and emotions

    We’ll consider stress reduction skills and tools

    I can actively collaborate with your care team where appropriate.

    Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs are only an option for In Home and In Clinic Sessions - I cannot treat via Online Sessions.

  • Getting you, your partner and those around you on the same page.

    We might cover:

    Communicating boundaries, and what boundaries actually mean

    How to ask for help, what to ask for

    Emotional granularity as a way of understanding and communicating your experience to others to open greater possibilities for support

    Educating partners - providing them with knowledge, skills and tools to actively support you

    Mapping out and scaffolding broader values aligned social support

  • Fostering your sense autonomy and informed decision making

    Finding your voice: not downplaying or silencing hard things

    Creating a values aligned care team. The positive flow-on effects doing so early, so you have your team to go to at any point

    Encouraging help seeking steps towards medical support / providing useful referrals

    Connecting you with medical care providers

    Sharing evidenced-based resources and other materials: organisations, hotlines, podcasts, groups

    I will never suggest any specific medical course of action. This is beyond my scope of practice. I will refer you into incredible, competent medical care providers who can help you identify the right medical management pathway for your situation.

The skills, tools and education we unfold will serve as transferable skills to enable you to self-lead in circumstances beyond our sessions together.

My wish is that once we cross paths, you remember what that feels like. That you count me as a member of your support team. So that if you ever find yourself struggling with the mother-load - months or even years down the track, you remember the safety and nourishment from our time together, and feel confident and comfortable to draw that support back towards you.

I am here to rewrite the mother story.

To shed light on it all. To stand alongside you in strength. To offer what I’ve learned and cultivated from both my lived and professional clinical experiences.

I’ll hold space, educate and help you prioritise and plan so your experience is as cocooned and supported as possible. So you feel held, resourced and strong through conception, pregnancy, birth preparation, postpartum, the huge transition into motherhood.

Important Note: I am not a GP, a Psychologist or counsellor.

I cannot provide medical care or comprehensive psychological support.

I will always be clear around my scope of practice and refer to appropriate services for whole person care.

Every person I work with will receive information about helplines and community organisations working in the areas you’re traversing.