
I believe that truly thriving women and mothers will change the shape and direction of this entire world.

I believe the transition into motherhood is a phenomenal site of challenge, growth and power.

For each person walking through it.

That, if we tend to, scaffold and support this time - for individuals and the collective - we can use it to unfold the ultimate reverence story.

My vision

To live in a world where society wraps arms around every person experiencing the rich and tender transition to Mother.

Where every person feels grounded strong in their sense of autonomy and body wisdom. Where those walking path into and of mothering and motherhood feels deeply seen, held, cared for and completely revered.

Where narratives of burnout, self-sacrifice and the dehumanisation of mothers is no longer normalised and perpetuated.

Where we pass on the most wondrous gifts of courage, strength and impactful positive change to our descendants.

  • As women we have always understood on some level that our role is to keep quiet, head down, hustle, work harder. To accept things the way they are. At no point does this message scream louder than the transitional years of pregnancy, birth and early motherhood.

    Community care is gone. We leave women to stand alone. Ill-equipped. Under resourced. Exhausted and overwhelmed. Women are set up for failure, and then asked to accept it as their own.

    Embedded beliefs have taught us about who the Perfect Mother is - even before we have children. We know the rules. Become pregnant (easily). Love the pregnancy, cherish every moment, defer to the experts, be grateful, be quiet. Become a mother - slim the body, clean the house, nourish the child, pick up some kind of side hustle. Be grateful that you Have It All.

    We also understand what not to do - never get angry, never get bored, never question the ‘expert’ or the status quo. We are taught to feel guilty for prioritising our basic human needs and shame about any parts of our experiences that deviate from perfection.

    It’s so ingrained we barely see it. Can barely uncover words to articulate it so we can recreate a new way.

And yet. The story of this transition hasn’t always looked this way. It doesn’t have to look this way. We can hand back anything that doesn’t serve us.

  • The terrain we cross in this cracked-wide-open times of transition. The way we unravel, unveil and unfurl. It’s drenched in beauty. It is our reverence story.

    I have treated thousands of women walking through all sorts of challenges in my practice. With my own eyes and my own heart I have witnessed women birth, triumph, grit, crawl, soar and thrive. So this vision and story of Reverence doesn’t come from a naive blindness to hardship and struggle.

    It is an acknowledgement of the common thread that weaves through each of our stories. It is the way we find a way to continue on, in spite of it all. The way we continue to open to and rumble with what’s in front of us.

I stand in awe of the capacity, strength, compassion, determination and grit of women. And I believe it’s time we reframe women’s health and maternal health standing from here.

This glory. This triumph. This power.

  • Our culture and society prompts us to focus exclusively on outcomes in pregnancy, birth and mothering.

    The ‘Natural Birth’. The ‘Healthy Baby’. The exclusive breastfeeding. The ‘Good Baby’ that sleeps through the night…

    We have been trained to be outcomes focused. But what is it costing us?

    Being outcomes focused often leads to disappointment and shame when we either fail to meet the desired outcome - or we do meet the outcome and don’t feel the way we thought we were going to feel when we get there.

    When we redesign our focus to be on our lived experience and our values, instead on any one rigid outcome, we break the cycle of being set up for failure.

    We reach a place beyond ‘good or bad’, to a place of educated and aware. We find the why behind any of those outcomes being important to us in the first place.

    We build a flexible, compassionate plan to continue forward. We invite nuance and grace. Allow for our humanity.

When we redesign our focus to be on our lived experience and our values, instead on any one rigid outcome, we break the cycle of being set up for failure.

  • Individual Care

    One Woman At A Time work. Improving each persons unique lived experience of these transitional years - in response to their particular emotional landscape, sleep, energy, digestion, pains.

    Collective Care

    Considering what’s happening more broadly to elevate the collective experience.

    Addressing themes that come up for all those traversing this terrain. Creating learnings relevant to us all. Holding space for the health, prosperity and trajectory of women and mothers more broadly.

  • The more educated we become, the broader the perspective we have about what paths are available to us.
    The more you can see and understand your options, the more you can unearth the best fit for you.

    This creates space to align this transition with your values.

    There is never one ‘right way’. I am here to overlay different information streams and diverse perspectives so that you can explore what matters to you, and create your own story.

  • Everything in my work is stacked to hold you in the most exquisite way imaginable.

    Exquisite care means cultivating a relationship where you feel known and seen.

    Exquisite care is why I offer continuity of care through pregnancy, postpartum and the early mothering years - so you have a touch point, always.

    Exquisite care means aiming for prevention, and early intervention. Exquisite care is the reason I aim for mastery in my skill sets.

  • Recognising the ways we can prepare - the steps we can take ahead of time is really powerful work.

    I can help teach you what you want to learn. Together we can pull from our current and past cultural stories, modern research and the knowledge of ancient medical systems to identify areas to explore and solidify ahead of time. Before you even reach them.

    Preparation is taking a compassionate step towards prevention.

  • We each navigate unique challenges in these transitional years.

  • This is a crucial component of care that is often lacking. My work opens up the role our society plays in our health experiences and outcomes. Once we are aware of these societal narratives, we can choose to challenge them. To hand back what was never ours and redefine the experience we are here for.

This multi-pronged approach creates lasting, powerful change that continues long after our sessions together.